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Formed in 1963 as the 'Uxbridge and District Vintage Vehicle Society' with the object of preserving and promoting the enjoyment of the historic motor vehicle.
Each month you can read our Chairman, Chris Brooks' report which also appears in our magazine, entitled
‘From the Chair’
A monthly magazine containing technical features, items of general interest, current vehicle legislation, rally information, maps and advertisements is distributed to all members.
As well as attending a number of events and rallies throughout the year, monthly meetings are held at the 'Uxbridge Conservative & Social Club,' Uxbridge on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, where members are able to get together. An activity such as a film, slide show, guest speaker or a quiz is generally organised for each month
The Society changed its name to 'Uxbridge and District Classic Vehicle Society' in 2000 to reflect the wider range of members vehicles participating in the society’s activities and again in 2018 to the 'Uxbridge Classic Vehicle Club' (UCVC) to mark the clubs 55th year. 2023 was the club’s 60th Anniversary
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